A system that docks onto a standard RTP port of the barrier isolator for the purpose of creating air turbulence within the isolator chamber during Vapor Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP) decontamination.
The system consists of a Non-Rotating Canister (NRC) containing three fans that are extended out of the canister body and into the isolator chamber before starting the VHP cycle. The three fans are attached to a manually actuated shuttle that is housed inside the NRC. This method of attachment results in repeatable positioning and orientation between VHP cycles.
Two fans are mounted on individual swing arms that reach well into the isolator system. A third fan, hard mounted to the shuttle mechanism, creates air turbulence in front of and within the NRC thus assuring good VHP coverage of internal surfaces.
At the end of the VHP cycle, the fans are stowed back into the NRC by the operator through the isolator gloves. The design of the system is such that the stowing operation can be accomplished by touching surfaces that have been decontaminated by the VHP cycle.
Following are the steps to be followed to connect and oeprate the air mixing module:
The system includes an instruction manual containing the following sections:
The RTP Canister for the more challenging applications. With our patented NR Technology, the beta is free to rotate relative the canister body.
A multitude of clean room compatible solutions for the safe handling of beta canisters and feeder bowls.